What is a placement group in Amazon EC2?
A placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. Placement groups are recommended for applications that benefit from low network latency, high network throughput, or both.
In which screen does a user select the Availability Zones while configuring Auto Scaling?
You can take advantage of the safety and reliability of geographic redundancy by spanning your Auto Scaling group across multiple Availability Zones within a region and then attaching a load bal-ancer to distribute incoming traffic across those Availability Zones. Incoming traffic is distributed equally across all Availability
Zones enabled for your load balancer.
Which of the CloudWatch services mentioned below is NOT a part of the AWS free tier?
CloudWatch provides the basic monitoring metrics (at five-minute frequency), 10 metrics (applica-ble to detailed monitoring for the Amazon EC2 instances or custom metrics), 10 alarms, and 1 mil-lion API requests each month at no additional charge.
In the context of sending metrics to CloudWatch using Amazon Kinesis, which of the following statements best describes the metric "PutRecord.Latency"?
The metric PutRecord.Latency measures the time taken per PutRecord operation, measured over the specified time period.
Dimensions: StreamName -
Statistics: Minimum, Maximum, Average
Units: Milliseconds -
Can a user depict CloudWatch metrics such as CPU utilization in % and Network I/O in bytes on a single graph?
You can graph several metrics over time on the same graph. The user can select metrics across re-sources and graph them on a single graph. It is not required that they should be of the same instance. They can be of different instances with the same AMI or based on some other dimension. You can filter records and plot them all on the same graph.
Which of the following comes before Auto Scaling group creation?
The Auto Scaling launch config is the first step that should be run before a user can create an Auto Scaling group. The launch config has all the information, such as the instance type, AMI ID, and other instance launch parameters. The Auto Scaling group uses this launch config to create a new group.
A placement group in Amazon EC2 can
A placement group is a logical grouping of instances within a single Availability Zone. Placement groups are recommended for applications that benefit from low network latency, high network throughput, or both. To provide the lowest latency, and the highest packet-per-second network per-formance for your placement group, choose an instance type that supports enhanced networking.
Which of the following statements is true about Auto Scaling?
You can create an Auto Scaling group to maintain the healthy number of instances at all times, and optionally delete this basic Auto Scaling infrastructure. You can either delete your Auto Scaling set up or delete just your Auto Scaling group and keep your launch configuration to use at a later time.
If you specify only the general endpoint (autoscaling.amazonaws.com), Auto Scaling directs your request to the:
If you just specify the general endpoint (autoscaling.amazonaws.com), Auto Scaling directs your request to the us-east-1 endpoint.
A user has configured ELB with Auto Scaling. The user temporarily suspended the Auto Scaling terminate process. What might the Availability Zone Rebalancing process (AZRebalance) conse-quently cause during this period?
Auto Scaling performs various processes, such as Launch, Terminate, and Availability Zone Re-balance (AZRebalance). The AZRebalance process type seeks to maintain a balanced number of in-stances across Availability Zones within a region. If the user suspends the Terminate process, the AZRebalance process can cause the Auto Scaling group to grow up to ten percent larger than the maximum size. This is because Auto Scaling allows groups to temporarily grow larger than the max-imum size during rebalancing activities. If Auto Scaling cannot terminate instances, the Auto Scal-ing group could remain up to ten percent larger than the maximum size until the user resumes the Terminate process type.